Welcome to the IEPSL
IEPSL is the professional institute for the practicing environmentalist with the objective of upholding the dignity and raising the reputation of the environmental profession in Sri Lanka. It is committed to extend the professionalism and its services to the country at large for the benefit of the public
A vibrant body of outstanding environmental professionals contributing effectively to the advancement of the field of environment and for resolution of environmental problems confronting the modern society
To protect the dignity and recognition of the profession through education, research and application of scientific knowledge, while contributing to maintain high standards in the practice of environmental management

Message from the President
As the newly elected President of the Institute of Environmental Professionals (IEPSL) at its Annual General Meeting held on 29th March 2023, it gives me great pleasure to issue a short message.
Now more than ever, the subject of environmental management and protection has taken greater significance, as we live in a world that is plagued by enormous environmental challenges such as global warming which threatens the very existence of humankind. While global environmental issues are undoubtedly dire, we in Sri Lanka face an even wider range of environmental challenges on a daily basis.
The Institute will continue to work with all the stakeholders including private sector, government sector and …
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IEPSL Code of Ethics
What is Professional Ethics? The standards by reference to which preferable conduct relating to a certain area of human activity may be determined.
‘Professional ethics’ is the group of standards relating to the activities of professionals.