
Membership Categories

Full Members | Associate Members | Student Members

Notice: Please note that the Application and the eligibility criteria were updated and all the New applicants shall use the updated version of the Membership application given on this page when applying for the Membership effective from 11th September 2021.

Criteria to become a Member

Membership Application

Submit Your Membership Application Here

Please Note that Only Gmail and Gmail based accounts will be allowed to submit IEPSL membership applications Online. If you have any difficulty in submitting the application please contact the IEPSL Secratariat


  • Application Processing Fees shall be paid when submitting the application .
  • Membership subscriptions should be paid after granting the membership by IEPSL and shall be renew annually.
  • Please Note that the rates given below are effeactive from 1st January 2024.
Category Application Processing Fees (LKR) Annual Subscription (LKR)
Fellow   (FIEPSL) 10,000.00 10,000.00
Chartered Environmental Professional (CEnvP) 6,000.00 4,500.00
Member (MIEPSL) 1,000.00 2,500.00
Associate Member 1,000.00 1,500.00
Student Member 250.00 750.00

*only the exact amount should be paid

Bank – Bank of Ceylon, Battaramulla Branch

Account Name – Institute of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka

Account number – 5500731

Please mention your NIC Number and Membership number as the reference when you make the payment

Please confirm your payment by emailing a copy of the deposit slip/receipt to